Publication Scheme
As a public authority, we have a duty under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), to issue a Publication Scheme.
The FOIA ensures that public authorities are clear and proactive about the information they make public. To do this, we have produced our Publication Scheme, which sets out-
- The classes of information that we publish or intend to publish
- The manner in which the information will be published
- Whether the information is available free of charge or through payment
Our Publication Scheme consists of information already published and held by us, or information that is to be published in the future. All information in this Scheme is available either as a download or hard copy on request. All documents available via our Scheme are free of charge unless otherwise stated.
NIFRS owns the copyright to the information we produce. If information is to be re-used or reproduced commercially or otherwise, written approval must be obtained from the Chief Fire & Rescue Officer.
- Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts (See Annual Reports section)
- Current Tenders
- Contracts Awarded (Contact us)
- Expenditure Reports (Contact us)
- Expenses, Travel & Subsistence Rates Payable to Staff and Board Members. (Contact us)
- Fraud Policy & Fraud Response Plan
- Internal Audit Strategy Plan
- Pay and Grading Structure (Contact us)
- Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts (See Annual Reports section)
- Best Value Review Reports (Contact us)
- Complaints Procedure
- Internal Audit Reports (Contact us)
- Key Performance Statistics
- Priorities & Targets – includes Strategic Plan, Corporate Plan and Annual Business Plan
- Road Safety Strategy
- Board Members Code of Conduct
- Business Continuity Plan Strategy (Contact us)
- Code of Procedures on Recruitment and Selection
- Data Protection Policy
- Disability Action Plan
- Equality Scheme
- Equality Policies (Contact us)
- Freedom of Information
- Freedom of Information Policy
- Good Management, Good Records
- HR Policies List (Contact us)
- Incident Report Requests
- ICT Security Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy Procedure
- Capital Asset Register (Contact us)
- FOI Disclosure Log
- Gifts & Hospitality Register (Contact us)
- NIFRS Executive & Non-Executive Leaders – Declarations of Interests (Contact us)
- Risk Register (Contact us)
- Service Level Agreements (Contact us)